

发表于:2025-02-26 作者:酷狗屋编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年02月26日,2010年12月22日 来源: 国际在线After seeing his profile picture on the the Mayflower animal sanctuary's website
2010年12月22日 来源: 国际在线

  After seeing his profile picture on the the Mayflower animal sanctuary's website, café worker April Parker, 35, immediately fell in love with the partially-blind Pointer cross. The mother-of-two took her daughters Skye, 15, and Jasmine, 13, along to see him and, proving that looks aren't everything, the family scooped him up and took him home。

  许多人养狗都喜欢养精神的、帅的狗,但也有些人喜欢养很丑的狗。   咖啡厅35岁员工April Parker一在宠物网站上看到这只"盲狗"照片时,一下就"坠入了爱河",立马携她的2个女儿前往Mayflower动物收养中心将狗狗领回家。虽然其实狗也和人相似,外面的丑陋并不意味着内在也一样丑陋,许多外表丑陋的人内心无比善良,相信这个被冠以"最丑狗"头衔的小宝贝一定有一颗金子般的心灵。

  An international race to find the world's ugliest dog was unofficially launched in June after the World's Ugliest Pedigree Dog title holder passed away. Miss Ellie, a Chinese Crested Hairless who won the pedigree prize and was a celebrity among lovers of ugly dogs, sadly died at the age of 17.

  据悉,拥有上一届"世界上最丑狗"头衔的"最丑的狗的Miss Ellie(中国冠毛犬)"去世,享年17岁。这只狗的生平并不简单,它曾帮助募捐了高达10万美元的善款!谁说长相丑陋不讨喜,人家才是真正"美丽的典范"呢!

 With his bug eyes, wildly crooked teeth and sparsely-whiskered chin, scrawny Ug sat for months, unclaimed and overlooked at an animal sanctuary. But now, after being dubbed Britain's ugliest dog, the two-year-old's less-than-enticing looks have landed him a loving home。


  He cost Ms Parker ?200, but has proved to be worth every penny. She said: 'When people see him they do a double take. He looks comical with his bug eyes and cross teeth and he's always bumping into things. 'But he has a fantastic temperament and is really loving.'

  据悉,这只外表骇人的狗狗售价并不便宜,也花了April Parker近200英镑。但是事实证明,钱的的确确花在了刀刃上。狗的主人Ms Parker 说:"我觉得它长得十分具有喜感,不仅仅是因为他突出的大眼球、还有他'地包天'的牙齿,还有狗狗的性格超级温顺,很讨喜,我们都快爱死它了。"